Scholarship and Financial Considerations

Scholarship and Financial Considerations

E-quran tahfiez

The E-Qur’an Tahfiez Project has made a commitment to never turn down any committed student of Qur’an due to financial difficulties. The following financial considerations apply:

  1. Partial Funding: This is applicable to current and new students. It constitutes a 50% waiver after the student must have officially written the program director in advance at [email protected]. The email should provide a justification for financial consideration in very clear terms.
  2. Full Funding: This is only applicable to current students (and new students in exceptional cases). It constitutes a 100% waiver after the student must have officially written the program director in advance at [email protected]. The email should provide a justification for financial consideration in very clear terms.

All cases of financial consideration are reviewed 2 weeks before the commencement of each session (Fall-October, Summer-June, Spring/Winter-February). The E-Qur’an Tahfiez Project reserves the right to refuse and terminate any request for financial consideration on very clear terms before or during session. All financial considerations are subject to review at the beginning of every session depending on student performance and availability of funds.