Fall Application – October

Fall 2023 Application | October 2023

E-Quran Tahfiez Program calls for admission for a new application that is targeted to all Muslims especially those who are in need of teachers of the Qur’aan in order to kick start their memorization journey or continue from where they had initially stopped.

This is a program that will grant students the ability to memorize the book under the tutelage of qualified instructors and scholars. Asides memorizing the Qur’an, you get to improve your Tajweed with practical applications from erudite instructors who know the rules of Tajweed.

E-Qur’aan Tahfiez Project also has a sisters’ exclusive memorize where they learn Tajweed books such as Tuhfatul Atfaal, etc.

These classes are done in Arabic, English and Local languages

Hurry now! Limited Spaces Available. This program will Inshaa ALLAAH be commencing by October 2nd, 2023